Video by To be better. Психология и саморазвитие

I’m so happy to share that my book - The Cottage Fairy Companion - is now available for pre-order! Amazon: Also available at my local bookstore, Trail’s End Books: Other purchase options (including international) available on my linktree: mentally preparing to leave my cottage in 4 months - Change Is hard (Info at timestamp 8:49) MY ETSY SHOP 🦊 🍄 Thank you for the support! I guess I’ve had a bit of a nervous week, it’s really hitting home that I will be leaving my cottage l in just 4 months. It’s crazy to think about, and while I am so happy to be potentially having a new home, change is SO HARD. It is freaking me out, but I am taking deep breaths. It’s funny how you can want two things at the same time: to change and grow, but also for things to stay the same forever. If you have not seen my previous videos, I am getting married and moving into a new home this year, after over 2 years at my cottage. So many mixed feelings, but it is also a wonderful reminder that I am alive to feel these emotions, and that is a beautiful gift. This video was a collaboration with my brother, Rohan. He has a channel now! ❤️No obligation whatsoever, but if you would like to donate to support this channel $8 will get a thank you postcard (my own art) from me in the mail (please note: you must include address in your note so I can send it!). It is much appreciated: (Now and then a postcard has been returned to me or lost in the mail. If you have not received a postcard e-mail me at endymionmerrill@! I send them out once a month, so definitely don’t be too worried if it has been a couple weeks but do contact me if you have any concerns. ) Thank you! 🦋Instagram: Recipe examples (very similar if not exact to the cookbook I mentioned) the cookbook I have is no longer in print :( the title is Cocine Conmigo by Dora Romano Bread Pudding Flan Business e-mail: endymionmerrill@ Additional music found at @ (Get a month free with my referral code)
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