PAPAJI - Choose Freedom Now

“If you see the eyes of a person whose mind is still, then you can find peace within yourself also. Either you look in the eyes of a man whose mind is still, or look at his heart, and then your mind will be still. You will be attracted by those eyes, and you will forget to look anywhere else. You have to look within your eyes, behind your eyes, and you will find the trick, how to keep quiet.“ In this sublime satsang from the 24th of February 1994, Papaji addresses the following: - God and Self-Enquiry. “Everyone is God but we don’t see unless we see God within our Self. First you see and then you will see God everywhere, even in the animals, birds, rocks also. You have to absolutely look at God and nothing else, then it is the God who’s seeing through your eyes. When you surrender yourself to God, you will have to keep quiet so that he will take your responsibilities. And so long you have responsibility on your own head, God doesn’t bother about, and it seems he’
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