DEFENCE: Memorial painting awarded in memory of Australian VC (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The Royal Australian Air Force receive a memorial painting in honour of bomber pilot R.H.? Full Description: ENGLAND: Suffolk: Mildenhall: MILDENHALL . Station. Royal Australian Air Force receives memento of a Dominion war hero. Painting commemorates gallantry of R.H. Middleton, bomber Pilot whose devotion to duty earned him a posthumous V.C. (Victoria Cross) Royal Air-Force receives a memento at Mildenhall Air Force station of Flight Sgt Middleton. A Posthumous V.C., A painting, Art and Artists; Australia; Personalities - Armed Forces Background: The Royal Australian Air Force receive a memorial painting in honour of bomber pilot R.H. Middleton, who was awarded a posthumous VC. FILM ID: VLVA88QZVEHVP0UWB9VOXQ23YBTDG To license this film, visit
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