Doom Patrol - Official Mid-Season Three Trailer | DC FanDome 2021

HBO Max announced at DC FanDome 2021 that the Max Original series Doom Patrol will return for a fourth season and released a mid-season trailer in anticipation of the remaining episodes of season three, which debut weekly on the service every Thursday until November 11. Doom Patrol reimagines one of DC’s most beloved groups of superheroes who all suffered a horrible accident that gave them superhuman abilities, but also left them scarred and disfigured. Part support group, part Super Hero team, the Doom Patrol is a band of superpowered freaks who fight for a world that wants nothing to do with them. In season three, the Doom Patrol is at a difficult crossroads and each member struggles to face who they are and who they want to be. And things get a whole lot more complicated when Madame Rouge arrives in a time machine with a very specific mission if only she could remember it. #IGN #DCFanDome
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