The Evil Within - All Laura Boss Fights Compilation + Death Scenes
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This video showcases all the boss fight encounters (from Chapters 4, 5 and 10) and death scenes of Laura from, The Evil Within.
Laura (Creature) was born from the memory of Laura’s tragic death and Ruvik’s own vengefulness. She is nearly immune to bullets but reacts violently to open flame, a reference to the barn-house fire which heavily injured Laura and placed her in a vegetative state that led to her eventual death. Her appearance resembles the Jorogumo from Japanese folklore, a spider yokai that takes the form of a woman.
Personal opinion: I found Laura to be one of, if not the scariest and most intimidating enemy in the game.
In honor of The Evil Within 2 being released I will be doing boss fight and death scene videos of the first Evil Within game.
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