Trump’s ex-adviser, US Army Colonel McGregor - on NATO actions in Yugoslavia and accusations of Russia attacking civilian infra

Trump’s ex-adviser, US Army Colonel McGregor - on NATO actions in Yugoslavia and accusations of Russia “attacking civilian infrastructure“: We keep saying “civilian infrastructure“, but if you are at war and power lines supply current to military installations, you damage them not to harm civilians, but to reduce the enemy’s combat effectiveness. The Russians are not looking to harm civilians, but there is a lot of evidence from the other side of how HIMARS was used to strike civilians in Donetsk, Lugansk, and Crimea. We never talk about this, because Ukraine is a sinless democratic splendor, and Russia is a dark authoritarian evil, but the truth looks unsightly from Ukraine. I was the director of the Allied Operations Center in the Kosovo campaign. And in a week and a half, we completed all military objectives. We destroyed all the military airfields and barracks, and there was nothing left to destroy. Yugoslavia was already almost a third-world country. Because we had a meeting, what... Source: Slavyangrad
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