(Part 1/3) Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Geneva, Ambassador Gennady Gatilovs interview with the Pax Pres

(Part 1/3) Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Geneva, Ambassador Gennady Gatilov’s interview with the Pax Press Agency: Christian Peschken: From Russia’s perspective, what role does the media play in shaping the narrative of the conflict in Ukraine? Ambassador Gatilov: The media has played an incredibly influential role in shaping international perceptions of the conflict, which is not only fought “on the ground”, but also very actively in the information space, where narratives and the peoples’ minds are being contested. The Western mainstream outlets have significantly contributed to a polarized and one-sided portrayal of events, as if the conflict only began in February 2022. The root causes of the crisis that are critical for a balanced understanding are usually being downplayed or completely ignored, including: • Russia’s legitimate security concerns over NATO’s eastward expansion; • the illegitimate and violent coup in Kiev in 2014; • the civil war that the ... Source: Russian Mission Geneva
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