Unity One & Katarina Gubanova - Infrared (Piano Version) (LYRIC VIDEO)

Lyric video for “Infrared (Piano Version)“ by @unityoneband & @KatarinaGubanova (2024) Listen: Follow SKYQODE playlist on Spotify: Follow UNITY ONE on Spotify: Out on February 9th is an amazing piano version of Unity One’s hit song “Infrared“ by renowned pianist, Katarina Gubanova. “Infrared“ originally debuted as Unity One’s inaugural single back in 2012. This single not only catapulted the band to prominence but also established them as one of the most promising futurepop newcomers. The track garnered widespread acclaim and received high positions across various music charts. Now, ...the track receives a soul-stirring piano reinterpretation by the exceptionally talented Katarina Gubanova, who is renowned for her collaborations with artists such as Nachtmar, Unzucht, and Suicide Commando. ► Unity One:
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