Chant of the Mystics: Asperges Me – Divine Gregorian Chant – Healing & Purifiying Chant Music

“Asperges me“ is a Latin Gregorian Chant antiphon. It traditionally accompanies the so called Asperges, the ritual sprinkling of the participants in the catholic rite by the celebrant with holy water. This is part of the entrance ritual, where a spiritual cleansing of the people takes place. Its words are taken from Psalm 51 (50). Find the Lyrics (Latin & English) here: The deeper and consequential meaning of this prayer and rite is, that the entrance to the spiritual reality is only possible by the thorough inner purification of heart, mind and being, which then with Divine help opens up the entrance to the inner mysteries. Melody, Production and Singing: Patrick Lenk --- ♫♫ - I have a GIFT for you (Limited Time Only and worth 240$/year): Go to , sign up for the free newsletter and receive a LIFETIME FREE ACCOUNT once this heartfelt audiostreaming website of mine goes live! At AudioSanctum you will listen to lifechanging music, learn about
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