Mario Lanza - Song of Songs - Casablanca

Lanza’s beautiful voice and photos of him are combined with photos from Casablanca, the legendary film starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. The music for “Song of Songs“ (Chanson du Coeur Brisé, meaning Song of a Broken Heart), was written by Moya, the English words by Clarence Lucas (1866-1947), and the French words by Maurice Vaucaire. It was published in New York by Chappell & Co., circa 1914. The photos of Mario Lanza are from his film “The Great Caruso“. This film and his other movies are available for purchase from Turner Classic Movies. TCM is presenting a 70th Anniversary Encore showing of Casablanca in various theaters across the USA on April 26, 2012. Contact: for complete information.
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