The LAMBDOMA is a musical sculpture built by the austrian artist Josef Baier. It is based on the ancient Lambdoma Matrix which is is attributed to the philosopher Pythagoras (500 bc).
⇊⇊⇊ more info: ⇊⇊⇊ - mixed binaural - headphones on!
Here you can purchase a full 27 - minutes performance in video and audio for download:
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Josef Baiers Lambdoma is made out of a combination of four Lambdoma Matrixes that are arranged together as rectangle, forming a dome that can be entered by the performer as well as by the listener. It consists out of 256 tubes that are up to 3 meters long and are perfectly tuned in pure harmonic overtone - and undertone series. The music & video was recorded live in: Studienkirche St. Josef in Burghausen, Germany, 2021.
For me, Anna-Maria Hefele, it was an incredible
3 months ago 00:03:13 1
Altai Throat Singing - Bai Terek x The Kiffness (Live Looping Remix)