A Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator for the ESP32 + [SOURCE CODE]

Nintendo Emulator for ESP32 , MicroSD card support Composite TV OUT Video PAL, Using 7 push Button Switches , Requirements: ESP32 , MICROSD CARD slot, PCM5102 I2S AUDIO MODULE, OTHER PARTS if you enjoyed those videos, then please subscribe to my channel which I update every week 👉 Subscribers : FEATURES: MicroSD card support Composite TV OUT Video PAL I2S AUDIO support PCM5102 module Using 7 push Buttons Switches huge NES ROMs up to 512kB (read from FLASH) ========== = Required = ========== □ ESP32 Development Board □ Using 7 push Buttons Switches □ PCM5102 I2S AUDIO MODULE, □ MICROSD CARD slot, ========================= = Schematic is pretty simple: = ========================= TV ========TO === ESP32 COMPOSITE VIDEO GPIO26 AUDIO i2S ======= TO ======== ESP32 I2S_BCK_IO //BCK —------------------— (GPIO 27) I2S_
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