King George VI and Queen Elizabeth arrive in Quebec (1939)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King George VI visits Canada for the first time, inspect the guard of honours, and address the Canadian people Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Canada’s Welcome - Her Majesties Arrive at Quebec CANADA: Quebec: Quebec City: EXT CANADA King & Queen in Quebec ELIZABETH, (Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon) Queen w. King in Quebec GEORGE VI (Albert Frederick Arthur George) w. Queen in Quebec. KING, William Lyon Mackenzie (Canadian Prime Minister, 1874-1950) Greets the King & Queen at Quebec. QUEBEC King & Queen arrive Royalty; George VI of Great Britain; Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; Canada Ship, steamship, dress uniform, gangplank, RMS Empress of Australia, greetings, receiving line, dignitaries, troop inspection, Heights of Abraham, parliament, Chateau Frontenac, banquet, speech Background: King Georg
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