Selfless CS:GO - Ryu Interviews Hazed

1:12 - How you started as a pro in CS:GO 1:45 - What was your full time job BEFORE CS:GO 2:15 - Hazed’s Start in CS:GO 5:15 - Early Results with the team back then 5:55 - The team with Fugly 6:40 - What happened with Fugly? 8:50 - Was Pita always the “leader“ of the team and roster? 9:54 - Mystery 5th to replace Fugly 10:35 - A Euro?! 11:15 - Why didn’t you guys pick up that 5th then? 12:10 - Batman analogy 13:08 - A backup 5th player! But wait... 15:00 - How do you think pita and the team did overall? 16
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