-(/Eng Sub)-One exercise to train leg strength for elders-Dr Matty Wong Chiropractor

今天我想說一下長者到一把年紀的時候可能腰骨會開始退化, 膝蓋也會開始退化. 膝蓋關節無法出力, 因為肌力開始衰退 也因為可能腰部有神經線壓著讓腳好像失了平衡力. 走路的時候也會有問題的. 我們幫病人做了治療之後我們都會教他們一個動作 在家裡整天都要做的, 就是幫助和鍛煉我們的大腿肌肉和小腿肌肉. 以下請我們的Stretch Trainer, Bruce介紹這一個動作給大家做. Today I want to talk about when elders reach a certain age their lumbar spine and knee joint starts to deteriorate. The knee joint getting weak and no strength. As we are losing muscle mass, and the nerve compressed causing loss of balance and unable to walk. Many patients after treatment, we will teach them one exercise to do at home to help strengthen the thigh and calves muscles. Let us introduce our Stretch Trainer, Bruce to introduce this exercise for everyone. #COX減壓治療法 #脊醫王鳳恩 #drmattywong #chiropractor #長者一招練好脚カ #脚カ #膝蓋痛 #平衡力 #鍛煉平衡力 #大腿肌肉 #小腿肌肉 #balancetraining #lackoflegstrength #legstraining #balance Medical Center: MRI scanning: Dr Matty Wong website: Collagen Supplement: 香港中環干諾道中13-14號歐陸貿易中心18樓 (港鐵中環站A出口中環環球大廈旁) 歡迎查詢及預約: 852 2804 6813 18 Floor, Euro Trade Center, 13-14 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong (next to World Wide House, Exit A, MTR Central Station) Enquiry and appointment are welcome: 852 2804 6813 #BodyPerformance - Stretch Trainer Bruce
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