We all know that there are alot of humans who are LGBTQ , but how big is their portion of the population? Are Humans The GAYEST Species?
The introduction is a little strange because the original title/topic was “Are Humans The GAYEST Species?“.
The Fraternal Birth Order Effect is a THEORY and although it has a lot of evidence and statistics for it being true, there are also alot of contrary evidence against the theory. The reason why it was mentioned in the video was to introduce the audience to scientific theories (it was also one of the most well-supported theories), but it was never used as the conclusion/answer of the video. This is why I encourage the viewers to go out and research on their own as a simple short video like this won’t be able to reliably cover the complicated nuances of the theory and shifting the direction for the video for too long. Either way, I did not make this clear enough and the mistake is on me: I apologize.
The term “queer“ has accidentally offended some of the viewers, and I am sorry. While writing the script, I wanted to be as neutral and non-offensive as possible in my wording, which included changing the use of the word “gay“ for “queer“ as I had thought that it was the formal and non-offensive umbrella term for LGBTQ . I don’t hold any negative opinions against the LGBTQ community and I would like to apologize if the wording in the video made me seem like I did.
The term “Gay“ and “Queer“ in this video are used interchangeably to increase engagement and to make the video less boring to listen to. It’s important to know that these terms when being used in the video is usually being used as the umbrella term for any sexuality in LGBTQ. Sometimes, it is being used as a term primarily for the gay sexuality. (I am deeply sorry for all of the mess as this is my first time researching on a tight schedule while trying to make the video not overly complicated. I’ve put links to the sources so you can do your own research and gain more information from there.)
Animals don’t really have a “sexuality“. The video humanizes the preferences of animals to make it easier to understand at a glance.
The video (AND ME) is not trying to be offensive nor over-glorifying the LGBTQ community (although it might seem like it due to my garbage scriptwriting). I tried to make this video as neutral with LGBTQ (with a couple jokes sprinkled in here and there) and really tried to make it an objective, measurable topic that is highly discussable!
Me putting an image of a tiger as a lion was totally a mistake
The gay percentages of the animals shown don’t specify what type of sexuality is within the portion, which is why I linked the sources below:
“This is where I leave it up to you;“
(biggest source that led to the percentage shown; I stupidly forgot the other sources that I’ve tracked down; Google will help here if you want to investigate the clearest truth)
There is a lot more information online compared to the contents in this video, and I highly suggest finding them yourself.
Music Credits:
norific - hook
Kevin Macleod - Indore ()
Kevin Macleod - Amazing Plan Distressed ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Image Credits (Subject to change in case of request):
Thumbnail: “Shocked caucasian guy stands sideways“ Designed by Freepik #query=shock&position=12&from_view=search&track=sph“>Image
#genz #genzhumour #edutainment #norific #science #lgbt #lgbtq #whoasked #biology #science
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