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Flat Earth gravity simulation by Yeti Dynamics:
Kansas flatness study: (the pancakes used in the study were from IHOP):
the flatness of other states:
“The Meaning Of It All“ by Richard Feynman:
“The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten”:
related Vsauce video, “Is Anything Real?”
Minutphysics “TOP 10 REASONS Why We Know the Earth is Round”
Good satirical series about how the Earth IS flat:
What if Earth was a cube?
MYTH of the round Earth:
Earth is round:
Varrazano bridge:
Varrazano spelling controversy:
Flat Earth Society:
Wilbur Glen Voliva:
Flat earth map (one theory):
Poe’s Law:
Science is always provisional and theories are never conclusively proven:
Asimov on being “more wrong”:
Occam’s Razor:
Newton’s flaming laser sword:
Other razors: (philosophy)
relativistic length contractions:
I really liked this one:
Earth and cosmic ray perspective:
wolfram contraction simulator:
Susan Haack:
1996 election NYT crossword: