Royal Navy tests Snort tube device (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The British Navy tests the Snort tube air device on a submarine Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: British Submarine Tests “Snort“ Tube ENGLAND: Portsmouth: EXT ENSIGN. FLAG. White Ensign on Stern of Ship VG SNORT Snort in use on submarine, being brought into action by raising of just snort & periscope travelling through water SUBMARINE. Operation Snort demonstrating breathing Equipment VG Shots inside sub and outside sub showing its descent Navy - Active Royal Navy, diving, dive, submerged, seamen, underwater breathing apparatus, sailor, sailors, naval, submarines Background: The British Navy tests the Snort tube air device on a submarine FILM ID: VLVAEHV91M04PQ3SI6PJ2X8IPDKQZ To license this film, visit
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