Video showing the last 2 Arcs in our Arc 34 run
You can find the VODs on my twitch -
Or on my Livestream Archive channel - @Hyperioxes-LivestreamArc-rz4sg
Logs -
Build -
============= Timestamps ⏲️ =============
0:00 Arc 33 Cycle 1
14:13 Arc 33 Cycle 2
25:15 Arc 33 Cycle 3
46:00 Arc 33 Cycle 4
1:06:22 Arc 33 Cycle 5
1:21:33 Arc 34 Cycle 1
1:34:14 Arc 34 Cycle 2
1:44:50 Arc 34 Cycle 3
1:49:21 End
============= Last words ✨ =============
Twitch -
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Thanks for watching!
tags: elder scro
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