Enlisted Ranks in the Marine Corps

The chain of command for the Marine Corps ranks is divided into two groups: Enlisted Marines and Marine Officers. The majority of Marines are enlisted. Enlisted Marines begin at the most junior ranks: private, private first class, and lance corporal. Private has a paygrade of E-1, and each rank has a corresponding paygrade from E-1 through E-9. The next giant leap after lance corporal is to non-commissioned officer, or NCO. The NCO ranks are comprised of corporal, then sergeant, followed by the most senior ranks in the Corps: staff NCOs. The staff NCO ranks, in order, are: staff sergeant or gunnery sergeant—and master sergeant or first sergeant. The single highest-ranking enlisted Marine is the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, who serves alongside the Commandant. Each enlisted Marine, no matter how junior or senior, is trusted with the responsibility of ensuring the welfare of our country now and into the future. Subscribe to see the latest from Marine Corps Recruitin
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