Muay Thai Boran for learning what, why, when, how…
This is the video for WHAT.
Learning the basic footworks and tips of each step.
When you know these steps, weapons and defense, defend and attack in the real action (fight, sparring, mitt or sandbag work) will become more powerful and effective.
It looks simple footwork but it takes time to master them. Basics are what it takes longest to master so practice every time and enjoy!
Basic footworks Be Muay Kru Suphan (applicable to KMA standard)
- Seub
- Sua yang
- Ma yong
- Yang sung
- Yang sam khum
Muay Thai Boran ...not only for performance or show. It all explains movements in Muay Thai and broad and deeper techniques and knowledge of Muay Thai.
Muay Thai, there is no right way, best way or wrong way. Learning and exchanging experiences to find the best way that is for you.