Children - Robert Miles Cover - unplugged by Andre Krengel Acoustic Embassy

Children is a great song composed by Robert Miles, first released 1995… Me and my band Acoustic Embassy thought, it might be a great challenge, to try performing this song only on acoustic string-instruments and try to imitate the effects like delay.(just handmade on guitar... :) We decided to make a videoclip of this version as a tribute to great Robert Miles and all Children and to remember and celebrate our inner child at the same time. :) “When I think of children, an image immediately comes to mind of carefree fearlessness, natural freedom and a huge portion of fantasy, mixed with the ability to discover something fascinating and magical in any given place, be it apuddle or whatever. If I hadn’t listened to the child in me and cultivated this, I would never have become an artist.“ (Andre Krengel) This great song ‘Children’ emerged from the techno trance music era of Robert Miles, which has haunted me since my schooldays. As early as 1998, I covered this piece live and, together with Rene Brall, I spent an afternoon working on a way to imitate the electronic effects and samples (like Delay etc.) on an acoustic guitar. This transposition was eventually perfected, polished and refined by the Acoustic Embassy. My thanks go to Andreas Schleicher & the Indigo string quartet for the fantastic collaboration and to Andreas for arranging the string sections and providing theperfect finishing touch. „Wenn ich an Kinder denke, fällt mir sofort diese unbekümmerte Furchtlosigkeit, sowie natürlich Freiheit und jede Menge Phantasie ein als auch Fähigkeit etwas faszinierendes, magisches überall, sogar in jeder Pfütze zu entdecken.Hätte ich nicht auf das Kind in mir gehört und es kultiviert, wäre ich kein Künstler geworden.“ Andre Krengel André Krengel - Gitarre Andreas Schleicher - Gitarre Jörg Siebenhaar - Cajon Konstantin Wienstroer - Kontrabass Gudrun Edelkötter - Violine Heike Haushalter - Violine Monica Schleicher - Viola Gesa Hangen - Cello Acoustic Arrangement - André Krengel Strings Arrangement - Andreas Schleicher Kamera - Arne Hemmer, Ingo Sehnbruch Supernova films DANKE auch an das Amos Comenius Gymnasium & Anette Niefindt für die Benutzung der Aula!
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