FV217 Badger - Master Warrior on the Himmelsdorf Map - World of Tanks Gameplay
Game Statistics:
Map: Himmelsdorf
Tank: FV217 Badger
Player: dogg3h [-NARF]
Damage: 9161
Damage blocked by armor: 3640
Damage due to the player’s assistance: 182
The FV217 Badger is a British tier 10 tank destroyer.
A project for a tank destroyer based on the Conqueror chassis was developed in the late 1940s. Existed only in blueprints.
Replaced the FV215b (183) at the tier 10 position in the British Turretless Tank Destroyer line. The FV217 Badger shocks anyone who faces it (or reads its paper stats) with its listed insane frontal armor of 355mm. However, the 355mm of armor only exists around the gun, and the rest of its frontal armor is only around 210mm in thickness (and around 270mm at view spots). This may give the wrong impression though since the 210mm part of its armor is decently sloped (Similar to StuG III) which adds about another 90mm of armor resulting in 300mm on its upper frontal plate. It wields a nasty 123mm gun which provides the highest DPM in the game. Fighting this vehicle frontally is not advised.
Although it seems to be almost invincible from the front, The Badger doesn’t have all-around protection like the Tortoise, even it was getting rid of “tumor“ weakspot that hampering the effectiveness of AT brother’s protection, it gained new and somewhat easier to hit weakspot at lower plate (which is harder to hide on flat terrain), its side and rear armor is noticeably weaker than that of the Tortoise. In addition its still lacking in mobility and flankers will have an easy time tearing this vehicle apart.
The FV217 Badger marks the end of its British tank destroyer line.
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1 view
3 years ago 00:31:45 71
ЭТО ТТ - FV217 Badger
7 years ago 00:09:23 27
FV217 Badger - ЭТО КТО ВООБЩЕ?
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7 years ago 00:08:53 28
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FV217 Badger
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6 years ago 00:07:21 1
FV217 Badger. Руинберг.
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