Every Manipulation Tactic Explained in 12 Minutes

Every Manipulation Tactic Explained in 12 Minutes I cover interesting topics using MS Paint, inspired by The Paint Explainer. Subscribe if you like this video :0 // TIMESTAMPS // 0:00 - Gaslighting 0:35 - Guilt Tripping 0:57 - Isolation 1:33 - Love Bombing 2:23 - Playing the Victim 3:01 - Threats or Coercion 4:03 - The Silent Treatment 4:27 - Ghosting 4:54 - Shaming 5:19 - Triangulation 5:55 - Aggressive Jokes 6:42 - Emotional Blackmail 7:03 - Projection 7:40 - Smear Campaigns 8:57 - Shifting the Goalpost 9:35 - Changing the Subject 9:58 - Playing on Insecurities 10:37 - Fake Moralization 11:13 - Infantilization // RESEARCH // Most of the information sourced in this video comes from Wikipedia, but other sources include: ~dst/Library/Shelf/wakefield/ // ICONS AND DRAWINGS // ISOLATION ART USED INSIDE VIDEO: ART 1: ART 2: gaslighting by Amethyst Studio from Noun Project crying by Travis Avery from Noun Project isolation by Berkah Icon from Noun Project love bombing by Amethyst Studio from Noun Project evil face by Andrew Doane from Noun Project Threats by Eko Purnomo from Noun Project silent treatment by Amethyst Studio from Noun Project Unforgiving by Gan Khoon Lay from Noun Project bullying by Kamin Ginkaew from Noun Project Triangulation by Amethyst Studio from Noun Project crying by Andrejs Kirma from Noun Project jokes by WEBTECHOPS LLP from Noun Project projection by Amethyst Studio from Noun Project internet by Iconatrenda from Noun Project NFL by Made from Noun Project argument by Rusurinusuhu from Noun Project low self esteem by Amethyst Studio from Noun Project Super Hero by Creative Mahira from Noun Project Child by Danishicon from Noun Project gaslighting by Amethyst Studio from Noun Project projection by Amethyst Studio from Noun Project
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