Full Arpeggio WORKOUT

Full arpeggio workout to do every day! This #guitarexercise will get you playing the arpeggios for all the essential chord qualities and through all of the keys. We also look at how to use these #arpeggios on other chords to bring out different chord qualities. This arpeggio exercise is a great one to include within your #practiceroutine and guitar warmups. It will also give you some new guitar techniques and runs to apply in your guitar solos and Jazz improvising. ▬ Contents of video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 00:00 - Intro 01:05 - The Exercise: Major 7 02:16 - In All Keys 03:21 - Minor 7 04:23 - Why long exercises are great 04:46 - The Other Chord Qualities 04:57 - Minor Major 7 05:22 - Major 7 #5 05:54 - Minor 7 b5 06:12 - Dominant 7 06:23 - Dominant 7 b5 06:36 - Dominant 7 #5 06:46 - Dominant 7 sus4 06:56 - Dominant 7 sus4 b5 07:09 - Diminished Major 7 07:50 - Diminished 7 (Fully Diminished) 08:00 - Using These Arpeggios For Other Sounds 09:02 - Chromatic Arpeggio Exercise 10:08 - Outro ▬ About Channel ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
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