10 MIN LOWER ABS EXTREME - with weight or DIY ankle weight I Pamela Reif

Make your lower belly cry… in a positive way :D ♥︎ / Werbung Already got strong abs but need an EXTRA challenge for the lower part of your stomach? I got you. This one is HARD. ▸ DIY Ankle Weight: Take 2 bottles and tie them around your ankles with several hair elastics. Make sure they are sitting SECURE, we don’t want them to fall on your face… :D - Having strong lower abs is very beneficial. It keeps your core tight, prevents back pain, makes your belly look flatter because you can “hold it in“ better and: if you lose your fat, you will also see your Ab Lines! - But please note, that you won’t burn only fat in this specific area by training it. Fat loss is always spread across your entire body. I know… annoying :D Please make sure: ▸ to keep your LOWER BACK FLAT ON THE MAT. This is essential for your health & essential for training your lower abs. If you don’t keep it flat on the mat, you will not train your l
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