1920 International Harvester Company 10-20 Titan starting and operating

How to start a 10-20 IHC Titan tractor. The titan was manufactured from 1916 to 1922. TV116 to TV2356 - 1916 TV2357 to TV11397 - 1917 TV11398 to TV29072 - 1918 TV29073 to TV46306 - 1919 TV46307 to TV50235 - 1920 TY50236 to TY67810 - 1920 TY67811 to TY75539 - 1921 TY75540 to TY78464 - 1922 my tractor, TY63488 was manufactured in 1920, and is equipped with a mixer instead of a carburetor. In 1921 an ensin carburetor replaced the mixer, and thus that part of the starting operation for 1921 and later tractors will be different.
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