Crab Battle HD

UPDATE: Crab Battle 2 will be delayed due to an increase in workload. New release date is in TBA status. Be sure to stick around after the credits for a bonus scene. Originally released to Newgrounds on May 24, 2005, Metal Gear Solid 3: Crab Battle was my most successful parody and remains my most popular animation, to this day. Over the years, I’ve fiddled around with the idea of putting a version of Crab Battle onto YouTube, but never got around to it, since others have beaten me to it. It wasn’t until the release of MGSV: Ground Zeroes that my inspiration to create a sequel was renewed, and what better way to announce the production than an HD re-release of the famous cartoon. The music and opening video are from the video game “Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater,“ my current favorite game in the Metal Gear Solid series. I highly recommend you play it, if you haven’t.
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