What Nature Can Teach Us about Life

►KabU Kabbalah Retreat 2021, Oct 1-3. Attend in-person or virtually. Get your tickets: How can we let nature’s perfection flow through us and enliven us? Our generation is the last generation, which has to implement and apply the perfection present in the spiritual reality in our physical, corporeal settings. At the moment, we are like musicians holding instruments in their hands, not knowing what sounds or songs might come out of them. We need to learn how to play these instruments correctly so that nature can play its melody through us, so our life can become a wonderful and beautiful song. Nature is a perfect system that enlivens everything, but we have to tune our instruments properly together so that nature can play its perfect melody on us, instead of “man-handling” the magic. Nature takes care of everything. We just need to arrange ourselves in harmony with its forces and then something unimaginably beautiful will come out of it all. — ►Take the Free KabU Course to
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