Band: Очелье Сороки
Album: ИСТОЕ
Genre: Ethno / Folk
Country: Russia
Year: 2018
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“Ochelie Soroki“ is a group of adherents which as a result of long creative searches and experiments, has come to comprehension of unity of timeless musical images, since an extreme antiquity and up to now that is most brightly shown in ethnic music. It our interest to her, and a choice as the basic musical direction speaks.
Many ask, what means the name «Ochelie Soroki»?
It is a question of an Old Russian headdress of “Forty“, ochelie - its part, an ornament. Once Pavel Boev has become interested in ancient slavic symbols, and, havi
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Костюм невесты-эрзянки. Конец ХIХв. - нач. ХХв. Северо-западная группа.Теньгушевский район Мордовии.