Russia is deploying troops! Hundreds of Ukrainian combat vehicles destroyed - Arma 3

Russia is deploying troops! Hundreds of Ukrainian combat vehicles destroyed - Arma 3 #arma3 #milsim #simulatormilitary #game #eliteoperator #bayraktar #afuwarrior DISCLAIMER: All videos on this channel are simulation games of Arma 3! They do not reflect reality and are a product of the author’s imagination! This channel is not for propaganda purposes! The channel writer wholeheartedly opposes war and calls on everyone to peacefully coexist! ☮ Make Arma Not War! ☮ __ This is Arma 3 Gameplay video THIS IS JUST A SIMULATION, NOT REAL LIFE! __I created a military simulation using Arma 3 Simulator. Bohemia makes it possible to create YouTube videos of their games and monetize them. “This video was made using Bohemia Interactive content as“ “Copyright © 2020 Bohemia Interactive as All rights reserved.“ “See for more information.“
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