What Is Hell Really Like?

Do you have an image of what hell is supposed to be like? What are different interpretations of hell? In today’s animated educational cartoon, we are looking at what Hell is supposedly like. There are so many different words for hell, purgatory, hades, gehenna, abyss, etc... If you don’t do what mommy tells you, you’ll go to hell. That doesn’t sound like a threat you’d hear these days, but in the past, you might be threatened with hell for many types of transgressions, not all of them that serious. It’s some threat too, as it was basically telling a kid if they didn’t follow certain rules, they were going to spend eternity being tortured. There is a thread about this threat on asking if saying something like that is abusive, and it seems many people had parents that would say such a thing. Most people said it was a horrible thing to tell a child, while others said it was only motivational for kids. But what exactly is hell anyway? That’s what we’ll find out today in this episode of The I
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