Remembrance Day 1950 (1950)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Remembrance Day 1950. London. L/S Union Jack flying in stiff breeze. L/S and M/S the three flags that fly on the Cenotaph. L/S clergy, choir and Bishop of York walking to the Cenotaph. L/S Ministers including Attlee and Churchill. L/S King George VI and the Duke of Gloucester walking tot he Cenotaph. Big Ben chimes the eleventh hour. Scenes during silence. L/S The Last Post - pan around the Cenotaph during the playing. The King and Duke of Gloucester lay wreaths. L/S of the King standing at the foot of the memorial. L/S of the Prime Minister Clement Attlee and Winston Churchill. L/S Commanders of the service placing wreaths. Pan along the scenes during the singing of ’O’God Our Help in Ages Past’. L/S whilst Reveille is sounded. L/S the royal party on the balcony of the Home Office. L/S and M/S Old Contemptibles marching past. L/S looking down on dense crowd. L/S Ministers walking to their places. L/S the King and Duke of Gloucest
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