Furniture Making Techniques - Drawer Dividers

Furniture Making techniques. Rob Cosman shows you how to make drawer dividers. Drawer dividers make a great addition to your furniture making techniques. Rob shows you how to make dividers with hand tools and power tools. 00:00 Overview 01:53 Determine the Grid Layout 05:45 Figuring Out the Cutting List 08:18 Cutting the Wood to Size 09:39 Fitting the Strips 13:45 Laying Out and Cutting the Joint by Hand 30:45 Cutting the Joint on the Table Saw 40:51 Final Touches ---------- If you like our content please LIKE us, SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel, and RING THE BELL to be notified whenever we release a new video. _______ * SUBSCRIBE TO ROB“S MONTHLY WOODWORKING TIPS NEWSLETTER - * ROB’S ONLINE WORKSHOP - * QUESTIONS — Have a question about the Tools, Techniques, or Anything Else you saw in this video? Post your question in the comments
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