❗All 151 Sea of Bygone Eras Chest Location | Genshin Impact 4.6
❗All Hydroculus 4.6 Location
❗Genshin Impact 4.6 Guide Playlist
0:00 1. Genshin File Decreased
0:16 2. Fontaine 4.6
0:43 3. Sumeru 4.6
1:08 4. Treasure Compass Optimization
1:34 5. New Recipe
2:03 6. New Special Dish
2:45 7. 17 New Avatars
2:58 8. Color tag on quest menu
3:11 9. Quest Item
3:20 10. Focused Mode
3:29 11. Fountain of Lucine level cap increased
3:39 12. New Souvenir Shop
4:08 13. Mystic & Fine Enhancement Ore capacity increased
4:16 14. Co op Nickname
4:26 15. Map 4.6
4:36 16. Map Region Interface Changed
4:41 17. Map Settings Changed
4:51 18. Teapot Updates
6:16 19. New Furnitures from Tubby
7:37 20. New Furnitures from Fountaine of Lucine
7:50 21. New Furnitures from Bertin’s Souvenir Shop
8:25 22. New Furnitures from Remarkable Chest
* All 4.6 Remarkacble Chest Location
8:44 23. New Furnitures from Arlecchino’s Story Quest
8:54 24. New Radiant Spincrystals Location
10:06 25. New Viewpoints
10:23 26. TCG New Cards
12:02 27. TCG Updates
12:57 28. New Books Location
14:40 29. New Shrine Location
14:48 30. New Fish Pond Location
15:25 31. New Materials on Paimon Shop
15:41 32. Add progress marker on Adventure Guide Book
15:53 33. Add new mission on Adventure Guide Book
15:58 34. New Domain Artifacts
16:22 35. New Domai Weekly Boss
16:45 36. Forest Roamer Achievement Changed
16:55 37. New Achievement Categories
17:09 38. New Enemy : Praetorian Golem
17:24 39. New World Boss : Legatus Golem
17:48 40. New Weekly Boss : The Knave
18:10 41. New Mechanism 4.6
18:28 42. New Namecards
18:37 43. New Emojis
18:45 44. New Story Quest
19:00 45. New World Quest
19:11 46. New Character
19:38 47. New Weapon
19:46 48. New Upcoming Events
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