Leone Leoni () - Missa super: ’Ab austro veniet’

★ Follow music ► Composer: Leone Leoni () Work: Missa super: “Ab austro veniet“. 12 voc. Performers: La Stаgione Armonica; Sergio Bаlestrаcci (conductor) Missa super: ’Ab austro veniet’ 1. Kyrie 0:00 2. Gloria 2:03 3. Credo 6:59 4. Sanctus 16:51 5. Agnus Dei 20:15 Painting: Lodewyk Toeput () - Musical Scene HD image: Map: Joan Blaeu (1596-1673) - Territorio di Verona (1665) HD image: Further info: Listen free: No available --- Leone (Leo) Leoni [Leonini] (Verona, - Vicenza, 24 June 1627) Italian composer. He initially trained as a priest, probably at the Scuola degli Accoliti, Verona. He later studied at the “academy“ maintained by Count Mario Bevilacqua in Verona, then was maestro di cappella in Vicenza from 4 October 1588, in a post he held until his death. In Bella Clori (1591) he described himself as a member of the Accademia Olimpica. In 1593 he became a member of the confraternity of Divine Love. In 1610 he was elected maestro della musica of the newly formed Pia Opera dell’Incoronata. He was a disciple of the Venetian school, and his works are characteristic for their application of chromatic devices in harmony and antiphonal choral usages. He wrote about 130 madrigals (41 not extant) and around 185 motets (about 40 not extant).
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