What About Deception? - Words By: Gary Sigler

Gary Sigler Books Here - On Amazon - What About Deception? It’s a wonderful day we are living in. Today is unlike any other day that has ever been known. The closest day that you could say that we have ever had to this day was the first appearance of the Son of God in Jesus Christ. He was a man unlike any other man that we have ever known. He manifested not only the finest uplifted humanity that has been known; but He also manifested the fullness of what God is. Today we are beginning to have glimpses of another man who is the fullness of all that God is. We are beginning to see another man appear in this day as the manifestation of the Son of God. However, this man is not an individual man. This man is a corporate man. Jesus was the first man who realized the fact that He was the fullness of God in His human form. Today we are beginning to be unveiled to the reality of the fullness of God being manifested in us. Some people misunderstand what is being sai
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