If Miraculous was a musical...
...or what happens when you get obsessed with the music of The Greatest Showman...
Series Description: Miraculous Ladybug is a French animated series about a teenage girl named Marinette who is chosen to be the wielder of an ancient power called a Miraculous. With the help of her adorable kwami, Tiki, she is able to transform into Ladybug, a magical superhero who wields the power of luck as she battles the evil powers of her nemesis, Hawkmoth. Fighting by her side is Chat Noir, her silly, pun-loving partner who isn’t afraid to shower his Lady with love, affection, and purrs as they race across the rooftops of Paris. Throw in one of the most compelling romances ever (prepare for an epic love SQUARE!), a colorful cast of villains and superheroes, hidden identity shenanigans, and an intriguing mythology, and it won’t be long until you discover just what makes these characters so miraculous!
Artist: - Song (Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron - The Other Side)
1 view
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