Vadim Starov Brain Superpowers Level 1 Self-Hypnosis. Energy-Informational System Self-Development
Reviews of the Starov Energy System of students: NLP Master psychologists from Italy, businessman from China, Taekwondo coach from India, Businessman from Moscow and the United States.
Vadim Starov Brain Superpowers Level 1 Self-hypnosis. Energy-informational System of Self-development of 8 levels/ The system is presented in the form of a closed online book containing 8 levels, 8 steps, 8 steps and 8 exercises designed for an individual approach to learning.
A healthy lifestyle system based on proper nutrition, breathing, movement, sleep, and positive thinking. Vadim Starov will guide you through the 8 steps of Zoom Online Training at the closed paid distance learning course.
At the end of the training, you will receive a Master key - an individual key of Self-Regulation for solving all life problems, no matter what they are related to: health, stress, business, family and personal relationships, as well as comprehensive security. The book and the lessons are not represented in the public domain!
Lessons in Russian-English languages. Recruitment to the Zoom group Online training of Vadim Starov Contactless Combat-the first Stage of Self-hypnosis.
The Highest Level Of Energy Non-Contact Remote Non-Verbal Hypnosis. The Magic of the Brain Is the Starov System.
Record and register V. I. P training at the suburban base Russian Style and online training video conference Zoom Superpowers of the Brain Vadim Starov’s Complex System. Self-hypnosis-Hypnosis-Auto-suggestion-Suggestion-Self-coding-Coding-NLP
References and registration systemastarova@
There is a lot of garbage and all sorts of “techniques“on the Internet. From the words of the ancient sages.“ ass with a load of books, he’s still an ass !“ When the student is ready, the teacher appears. For each student, individual exercises and keys to work are selected. To discipline the mind and create a new reality, a self-observation diary is created in the course of classes.
The initial goals are set and the path of climbing the mountain begins from simple to complex:
1. Physical level “Physical development of the Body on the basis of harmony“.
2. Physiological level “Auto-training and Self-hypnosis-methods of Physiological Self-regulation“.
3. The energy level “Breathing and the Human Energy System“.
4. The psychological level “Concentration based on the control of thoughts and emotions“.
5. The psychic level of “Meditation and lucid dreaming“.
6. Psychophysical level Contactless Battle “Hidden Psi technologies: Hypnosis, NLP, business negotiations, psi-defense, psi-attack“.
7. The energy-informational level - The Superpowers of the Brain “The power of thought, Quantum Consciousness or the materialization of desires“.
8. Spiritual level Invisible Contactless World “Absolute-The Power of the Spirit“.
Attention! Training begins remotely, with the second stage of Physiology-Psychosomatics or Anti-Stress System. Exercises for the 1st stage: physical harmonious development, Russian Style, formation of complex motor skills, pendulum movement, based on dexterity, as well as strength, speed and endurance are given in full-time training in groups of the Special Forces Hand-to-Hand Combat System. Eight exercises of the second stage are available in the public domain, but it is impossible to master Self-hypnosis and Self-Training on your own, and especially in stressful situations. 1 Calmness-2 Relaxation - 3 Heaviness-4 Warmth-5 Breathing-6 Heartbeat-7 Pressure-8 Coolness. The exercises of the second stage are basic for the entire System and for each exercise “stage“ is given two weeks of independent training daily, under the weekly supervision of the teacher . The transition from one stage to another is only gradual, after a thorough study and mastering the skill of instant activation of the state. During the training, tasks are given for independent work, at each lesson there is an analysis of what has been achieved (mastered skills, completed tasks)based on a self-observation diary. Only the student who has completed the control homework and passed the exams, receiving a certificate based on theory and practice, is allowed to the next stage. Due to the individual approach to training, the book “Contactless World“ by Vadim Starov will not be available in the public domain.
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