SHEMA & WAYMAKER (ft. Joshua Aaron, Nizar Francis), Hebrew, Arabic LIVE Harp worship Sea of Galilee
On September 28, 2023, during our annual All Nations Convocation Jerusalem and Watchmen’s Tour of Israel (ANCJ), around 200 of the King’s Harpists from all continents and many nations, including Israel, gathered together with worshippers from close to 150 nations at Amnun Beach on the shores of the Sea of Galilee to minister to the Great King.
The original text of the Shema is found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and is one of the most central texts for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. It is proclaimed twice a day, both in the morning and evening services. Movingly, it is also often the last words that a Jewish person will say before they die, or if they are in danger.
It is a proclamation that God is ONE and that we will not bow down to worship statues or other graven images. So, when we sing it, it is as if we are commanding the nation of Israel to listen and to remember this truth. The sung text is:
Shema, Israel. Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai, Echad. Baruch, shem Kavod, malchuto le olam vaed.
Listen, Israel! The Lord our God, The Lord is ONE. Blessed be the Holy name of His eternal Kingdom.
The shofar was used in scripture primarily as a signal – to communicate a message, or to make an announcement. Another function could be to warn or to call to battle! The shofar was sounded by Robert (Shofar, So Great) at the Galilee just days after Yom Kippur and a little over a week before the horrific events of October 7th.
We paired the Shema with Waymaker, written by the award-winning Nigerian song writer, Sinach and first released in 2015 and having a staggering 250 million views on her site alone. The song has been sung in over 50 languages and covered by many artists all around the world. It has become an anthem that is full of hope, boldly proclaiming who Yeshua is to the Nations. It is such a joy and honor to be able to sing it in Israel in Hebrew and Arabic as well!
It was very special to sing this from the shores of the Galilee, between the two locations where Yeshua performed the miracles of multiplication: first for the Jews and then for the Nations. We were looking out over the water where Yeshua Himself walked on the water, and invited Peter who joined Him, and where He calmed the waves of the storm. We are so close to Capernaum, where Jairus’s daughter was raised from the dead, where He proclaimed that He is the bread of life, and near where He cast out demons and the healed diseases of all who came to Him. This same Yeshua is still performing miracles today – He is the same today, yesterday and forever and is more than enough for your every need: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, relational healing, provision for every need that you are currently facing, even the restoration of relationships and families. He is able to resurrect things in your life that you thought were long since dead. He will make a way where there seems to be no way!
Daughter or Son of the Most High, He loves you. He is just waiting for you to come to Him and ask.
On our Facebook page is where we will make further announcements, post links to new music in January and the coming months, and encourage the global harp community.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the bell to receive notifications whenever we post a new video.
We’re honored to have the opportunity to teach, encourage, and build up communities to worship the King with harp music- in Israel and in all nations! And now, we’re excited to release the heavenly sound of all nations coming together and ministering to the King with harps.
Shalom in Messiah’s Love and Joy,
Tom and Kate Hess
The King’s Harpists music is now streaming on:
YouTube Music:
Directors of King’s Harpists: Tom & Kate Hess
Musical Arrangements and Direction: Katharine Van Der Beek
Conducting: Leat Sabbah
Vocals: Joshua Aaron, Nizar Francis, Jesura Andranly
Filmed and edited by: Sar-El Media
Recording: Jetro Klinga
Mixing: David Jakoubovitch
PA System & Management: AV Gear
Mastering: Robert Szydlo
Special Thanks To:
Sar-El Tours
All The King’s Harpists who worship the Great King with all their hearts!
Last but not least, to our Great King, who is worthy to be praised and longing to be enthroned on the praises of His people!
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