Greece now has the highest energy costs in the EU. These workers are fighting back.

Read the transcript of this video: Thousands of Greek workers have mobilized against runaway energy and fuel prices in recent weeks. Although spiking fuel and energy prices are now a global phenomenon tied to inflation driven by corporate profiteering and blowback from failed sanctions against Russia, the crisis has been particularly acute for Greece due to EU-imposed privatization of its energy sector. TRNN reports from the ground as workers fight to increase stagnating wages in light of the cost of living crisis. This video is part of a special Workers of the World series on the cost of living crisis in Europe. Producer: Christos Avramidis Videography: Alexandros Litsardakis Video editor: Leo Erhardt Translation: Danai Maltezou The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, radical media network. Help us expand our in-depth analysis and coverage from Baltimore to
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