“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.“
This glorious trilogy of movies. From production to cinematography, design, casting, everything is brilliant. I grew up watching these wonderful movies, and learnt a lot from them. Today I give you this tribute, and I hope It will do justice.
Christopher Nolan is a true king, and of course my thoughts go to Heath Ledger. His acting as the Joker was beyond everything we could have hoped for the character.
Thank you for watching I hope you will like it.
A list of people who makes this work possible:
Adam Simeon, Alexander Minster, Anthony Gallego, Ashish John, Audrey Dalum, Bottino, Brendan Liddington, Chris Wayne, Christan Lucio, Devin Delaney, Flat Satire, Matthew Mohl ,Paul Coker, Shaun Russell, Squishykwite, TheMovieCutter, Tyler Lewis, Zachary Tepe, Lucas Hotle, Maddy Winkel
Batman Tribute