Synthwave Lofi | Beats for Studying, Sleeping, Relaxing, and Staying Focused

Synthwave Lofi | Beats for Studying, Sleeping, Relaxing, and Staying Focused Thank you for your ongoing support. Please like and subscribe. Your support will be reciprocated with ongoing updates. 🤗 Help us reach Subscribers: @LofifriendRelaxing ✅ Suggested video: 🌿timestamp 00:00 1 01:56 2 03:33 3 06:19 4 09:39 5 13:29 6 15:33 7 17:49 8 20:59 9 23:50 10 25:58 lofi freind loop #lofi #synthwave #synth #synthesizer #lofijazz #stayfocused #study #sleep #lofihiphop #playlist #relaxing
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