Top 20 Strongest Military in the world (1985-2020) | Credit Suisse | Military Strength Score

🏀🏏🏈Maximized your PROFIT in Sports betting using these Sports betting Strategy 🏆🏆🥇🥇🥇🎖🏆🏆 This Dynamic graph show the list of military strengths from 1985 - 2020. As depected Large Nations like China, India, Russia, USA etc has a spot on this list. There have been attempts to produce a military strength index: this is an example taken from a Credit Suisse report. The factors under consideration for that military strength indicator and their total weights were: number of active personnel in the armed forces (5%), tanks (10%), attack helicopters (15%), aircraft (20%), aircraft carriers (25%), and submarines (25%). It was practically impossible to make an estimation of the actual training of the armed forces. You can support the channel by Buying Our New SMDCv1.1 T-shirt: or if you want to create you own b
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