Гонартроз коленного сустава 2 3 степени Лечение ударно волновой терапией УВТ

°-v-^-’♡“--.v-^--•📉 .Info°Med . N-°090.L Hospitals. Rehabil®. ---------------- -------------- . !.We welcome everyone dear people, in the program. World .Health co-information program Info°..®. software platform.! --------------------------------------------------- .According to the universe information broadcasting show program ՝frames and TV. programming we are bringing to your attention for Medical programs with broadcasting.! !.According to the universe information broadcasting .Info°.Med🎗Rehabil.®. “Ministry of Health“ general broadcasting program and TV programming we are bringing to your attention “Republic of Armenia Health Care» co-information medical health care with the broadcast of the program .Info°.Med🎗on the platform general medical all information health screening and measures implemented. .Whereas this . Resort and Medicine from the Research Institute Russian-Armenian doctor `p
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