Leopard 2A6 vs T-90A | DM53 APFSDS

Simulation of a Leopard 2A6 projectile hitting the frontal armor of T-90A 120mm DM53 APFSDS (~24mm WHA penetrator, WHA segmented tip) at 1590 m/s vs T-90A hull front armor: Kontakt-5 ERA (HHA plate, 4S22 explosive elements) 60mm SHA NERA 60mm SHA 10mm radiation lining 50mm SHA at 68 degrees NERA (5mm rubber 3mm bulging steel 19mm air 3mm bulging steel 5mm rubber) 120mm muzzle velocity (DM53) - 1750 m/s. 1590 m/s refers to a distance of approximately 3 km. SHA - Semi Hardened Steel ( 400 BHN RHA) Projectile model is based on patent, photos other data
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