A history of and my first go at MEDIEVAL TENNIS

Thanks to Audible for sponsoring this video. New Audible members get a 30-day free trial. Visit or text “lindybeige“ to 500 500 to try Audible today. Tennis is a very old sport, going back at least to the 1200s. Here I try my hand at it for the very first (but not last) time, and talk about the history of it a bit. Many thanks to Jesmond Dene Real Tennis Club () where this was shot. Editing this took a LONG time. We had three cameras recording at the same time, and synching the footage up took an age. The sound consisted mainly of echoing footsteps and ball bounces, and the fact that the main microphone kept glitching did not help (you will notice some of the patches to the sound using other mics, but most I made fairly smooth).
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