On May 23, I interviewed Tommy Robinson: on people who say it’s too late, on himself at 18, on the many lessons he’s learned, on some people saying he has the making of a great Prime Minister, on laughing though the situation is desperate, and on the huge change that has happened for him over the past 2 years, because he now can feel the massive support he has. INTERVIEWER: ELSA To subscribe: TO SUBSCRIBE: Two days after the interview, on May 25th, Tommy was arrested again. This time, it was for (supposedly) disturbing the peace. He was going about his business of being a reporter - not on the side of those in power. His arrest brings up thoughts of people like Gandhi and Mandela. Gandhi was arrested over and over. Mandela (unlike Tommy, a true danger) spent 27 years in prison. Both spoke out against those in power, and both demanded change. There are major differences between Gandhi, Mandela and Tommy. Gandhi was a lawyer - well educated. Mandela was the son of a tribal leader - a prince, one might say. Tommy is working class. In fact, the mainstream media has smeared him for his class background, for instance as a football hooligan. Unlike Mandela and Gandhi, from the beginning Tommy has always been for peaceful protest. He has also always been openly and strongly against racism as well as homophobia - against discrimination against individuals. His protest has always been against an ideology, Islamic ideology, and against behaviors that violate human rights - like the “grooming“ of indigenous British girls by largely Islamic rape gangs, and like the inaction, for decades, of the police, social workers and government officials. Tommy Robinson, a man with the courage to keep speaking out, and with an amazing capacity to lead. Within a couple of days of the arrest, over half a million people worldwide had signed the petition asking for his release. Protests erupted worldwide - Australia, Canada, Israel, France, Germany, as well as Great Britain, of course. Perhaps Tommy will be the next great leader of Great Britain. To sign the petition: To support Tommy: For more on Tommy: ISLAM - WHO, WHAT, HOW. This is the KIDS’ VIDEO MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO: Also on : Finally, one thing Tommy spoke about a lot is the need for SUPPORT FOR EX-MUSLIMS. Here is one of Tommy’s friends, Mo Fyaz. He left Islam long ago, and has paid a heavy price. He’s recently published a book, LETTING LOVE WIN, on his experience. Here’s a video:
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