Джон Карпентер и его музыка. Антология 1974-1998

🎵 Vinyl Records Review: The Music of John Carpenter 🎬 #vinylrecords #johncarpenter Friends, welcome to our pilot episode of reviewing vinyl records! We are embarking on a fascinating musical journey into the world of retro sound. Why vinyl? Because this is the true embodiment of retro style! 👍 🎶 In the first issue, we will plunge into the magic of the music of John Carpenter, the famous composer and director, and his collection of film hits. From “Halloween” to “Escape from New York,” Carpenter has created incredibly memorable soundtracks for iconic films. 📀 With us you will learn more about vinyl culture, the sound of vinyl records and, of course, Carpenter’s music. 💬 Let us know how you like this format and leave a comment with your wishes and suggestions for future episodes. 💸 If you want to support the author and the promotion of the channel, you can always throw a minted coin in bitcoins: ₿38pkPRuV3yvmB2Ty92yazrD9posL7Npeo9 👍TRX: TPmgqPsfhkSZbWUp9fxXiZe7UkgmTooy4B Enjoy watching and enjoying the music! 🎵🎶 🟢John Carpenter Anthology 2
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