Vaganova Graduation Exam 2023 - Class Kovaleva (Maria Koshkaryova, Sofya Valiullina, & more)

Kovaleva’s Class (8/IIIБ) Classical Exam, 12 April 2023 Maria Koshkaryova Sofya Valiullina Anastasia Gureeva Anastasia Ermolaeva Ksenia Prokopenko Ekaterina Saplina Karina Davleeva Polina Kholodkova Ksenia Kholodkova Mary Sabanova Maria Chernoglazova Jaden Grimm Iustinia Ivanova Congratulations to all of the talented girls and all the best to them in their future careers! Unfortunately I don’t have enough clips of Class Kasenkova (8/IIIA)’s exam to make a video, but it seems that they all passed. Yulia Kasenkova also posted that Angelina Karamysheva, Yaroslavna Kuprina, Pinja Rissanen and Daria Kulikova got perfect scores. Congratulations to all! 00:00 Barre 1:00 Adagio 2:17 Pirouettes 3:52 Grand Battement 5:04 Pointe 8:06 Allegro 12:14 Turns 13:05 Grand Allegro 15:04 Fouettes 17:05 Pirouettes 19:27 Italian Fouettes 20:02 Hops en Pointe
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